Welcome to Bare Mountain Retreat – Boise, Idaho

Office Hours
Wed. – Sun. 10AM – 2 PM
May – Oct only



Some Common Sense Guidelines to Remember

The first rule on Bare Mountain is to relax and have fun.
The other rules are based on common sense and courtesy.



Carry a towel with you at all times and ALWAYS SIT ON YOUR TOWEL for sanitary reasons.



No glass in public areas. Help us maintain a pleasant atmosphere by exercising discretion and moderation when consuming alcoholic beverages. Behavior requiring an apology is not tolerated.



Parents are responsible for their conduct and safety at all times. Keep an eye on your small ones, particularly by the pool area.



We dress or undress for comfort at Bare Mountain. Nudity is required in the pool and hot tub. All other areas are clothing optional. Nudity is welcome at all times, including while dining and at social events.
lounge chair

Lounge Chairs

Lounge Chairs

Please remember, the lounges are intended for people. Do not leave towels and personal belongings for extended periods on unoccupied lounges and chairs.
lounge chair



Campers please keep your pets at your campsite or on a leash. Pets are never permitted in the pool area, clubhouse, common ground lawn or public buildings.

Looking For Love in All the Wrong Places

A big misunderstanding prevalent among non-nudists is that nudity means sex. That is actually the misconception about the lifestyle nudists have tried hardest to dispel for years. Make no mistake, nudist resorts are nothing like singles bars. Women especially do not go to nudist resorts to be hit on or picked up.

Public Sexual Displays

Public Sexual Displays

We promote family oriented nudism, which should be WHOLESOME AND NON-SEXUAL. Sexually suggestive language, dancing, dress or displays of affection are never appropriate

Staring and Gawking

Staring and Gawking

People are vulnerable when they’re in the buff, so you want to avoid even the suggestion that you’re regarding them with cruelty or creepiness.

Making Comments About the Bodies of Others


Refrain from conversational comments on another person's body or on specific parts thereof, whether meant as a sincere compliment or not. A good rule of thumb is not to make a comment at a communal nudity gathering that wouldn't be appropriate at a clothed social event.



Generally, cameras are not welcome in the common areas. Most nudists are camera-shy. Never photograph anyone without permission.

Quiet Hours

Quiet Hours

Please be as quiet as possible between the hours of midnight and 8 AM and do not play your radio or television loud enough to disturb your neighbor or other guests at any time.

Nudist Etiquette Summary

There are certain rules that apply to all nudist clubs and resorts. Always sit on a towel or other similar item, refrain from picture taking, no unwanted advances, avoid excessive alcohol consumption, ensure that your conversations are not offensive to others, be considerate during quiet hours, smoke in approved areas, etc.

However, the best rule a member can use is the “Golden Rule.” Our club works best when all members and guests treat each other with respect and kindness. Our members do not always agree on everything, but we are committed to working out our differences by listening to all opinions and employing compromises that respect all viewpoints.