Welcome to Bare Mountain Retreat – Boise, Idaho

Office Hours
Wed. – Sun. 10AM – 2 PM
May – Oct only




The members of Bare Mountain are family. We are eager to grow our club with members that are excited to share our beautiful grounds, fellowship, fun, and community. We are looking for people who are kind, respectful, honest, generous, have a sense of humor, are willing to cooperate for the enrichment of the club, and most of all have the ability to have fun and share our enthusiasm with all. We are interested in working together to enrich our pursuit of family-oriented nudist recreation and the development of a club organization that sustains our property and lifestyle.

Pitch in – Help out

The culture at Bare mountain is many different things, but one guiding principle is that we treasure our rustic environment and we like to be frugal. Our club is very much a co-operative operation and the low rates for membership and leasing lots are a testament to this. We have members with many different skills and in the area of maintenance, construction, and general upkeep. We all pitch in to our abilities by cheerfully donating our expertise, materials, tools, elbow grease, and/or cash donations. In the spring, we pitch in to get the water turned on, rake up pine needles, clean the kitchen/clubhouse, start the pool/showers/hot tub, etc. This gets us open for the summer, but our facilities also require maintenance on a weekly/daily basis. While we all want to keep the summer months free to enjoy the sunshine and our pool, the fact is that everything that is built or maintained is accomplished by volunteer members. The grass needs mowing weekly. The pool and hot tub need daily cleaning. We throw many theme parties and potlucks that are planned, cooked and executed by our members. We have an elected Board of Directors, who dedicate time and hard work to run the business of the club, pay bills, greet visitors and much more. Volunteers publish the monthly club newsletter and other information, maintain the website – there are so many things that need to be done and members are encouraged to be generous with their time and/or efforts to accomplish these. Every member in good standing does what they can to help and for over 40 years we have been successful and proud of our culture of volunteerism. All members are expected to uphold these principles.

This sounds like me – How do I join?

All prospective members are required to visit at least three times. This way we have an opportunity to get acquainted, and you can see if you are comfortable with the Bare Mountain lifestyle. After that, just tell the membership committee you would like to apply for membership. Use our Reservation page to set up your first visit!

Annual Membership Fees

$250 per person Bare Idaho Retreat dues
$12 per person AANR-NW dues
$36 per person AANR dues

There is a one-time $100 assessment fee for each new member.